Please take a moment to review your experience with Kanady Chiropractic in Anchorage, Alaska. Your feedback not only helps us, it helps other potential customers.
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Click HERE to view our Google listing:
- If prompted, sign up or log in
- Leave your chiropractor review and rating
- Click “Post” to share with others
View our listing here: Kanady On Yelp!
- Click “Write a Review”
- Rate your experience with us, leaving as much descriptive feedback as possible to help us as well as other potential customers
- Click “Sign up and Post” to complete the process
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Click HERE to view our Facebook page:
- If prompted, sign up or log in
- Scroll to “Do you recommend Kanady Chiropractic Center?” and click Yes
- Leave your chiropractor review and rating
- Click “Post” to share with others
Thank you again for choosing Kanady Chiropractic. Our family-first mentality is what makes our chiropractic office special – we treat each and every patient as we would a member of our own family! Call us today to schedule your next appointment! (907) 272-2700